Sunday, June 1, 2014

When a friend spoke and save my life

(Real part of my life that happened to me last April!)

That was on a Sunday evening. I didn't met my friend as we have settled so she called me.

Before hanging on, I was surprised who was calling ? It was her. We get a 45 minutes call (which is a lot!).

I found peace after this.

At that time I was so discouraged sad and frustrated. During pur talk she spoke about her try to kill herself and...that was an electrochoc. She told me it was a bad idea to try.

I have to thank God who send me this friend of my road! I couldn't bear the deep sadness of my heart and I just wanted to dye. This is my way to say help me! I cannot support this pain anymore! a miracle what I tried to say with other persons worked...she just heard me...without saying a word...without judgment...and I felt understood.

Some days ago I realized that while writing her letters. She helped me to heal myself!

I understand why I feel next to her even she could be my old sister! I don't know her a lot...I just feel things ache in her life! Slowly, I will discover...all.

I just wanna say her in my mother tongue:

"Merci de m'avoir parlé ce dimanche là ! Je me suis sentie à l'aise pour te dire les choses, tu m'as sauvé la vie et tu m'as aidé à me battre à nouveau!
Je te promet de toujours t'écrire mes lettres, je te promets de rire et de me reconstruire pour être ton rayon de soleil quand tu auras besoin!"


Kristin said...

Awe, life is so special, isn't it? Even when we don't know why or how things are happening, it always seems to be for a reason in the end. xoxo

Introverted Art said...

it is amazing how someone can help you, inspire you, sometimes without knowing.

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