Monday, July 14, 2014

Demons inside me

(I am who I am...just want it flow somewhere...maybe here it is better)

I feel a volcano inside me
A real deep pain
Stomach get wrisle
I miss my power to get normal things in life

I say I am OK but I am not
Demons inside me are acting
It is rough and painful
Sometimes I wish to dye to release from pain
I got through this before

I feel useless
What to bring when you are depressed
You wanna be in shadow
You wanna stay in a corner
Not saying a word
Even people tends to be with me

I am fabulously acting
To hide it
I am searching to seem good
What a fate and pride
What I really want is to feel the comfort
Of a feel the care of him

Demons inside me are acting
And I wanna still break from them