Sunday, September 2, 2012

heart's Shooutttt

The life is sometimes
Like deep dark-sea when people leave us
When people died
When people leave us with memories
But as I read somewhere we have to go ahead
Not to suffer too much
Inside we bleed
Outside we are strong
Maybe you can't understand
Till you loose  someone
She was too me a pillar
She was a strong woman
She lived the second world war
She is where i come from

Grand' pa died before i was born
And i ever have had her as model
I have her in my heart
Proud to be of the seed
I want to be a strong woman
I want to be a modern woman
Yeas as she war
Proud proud
To study to be a teacher
As she for herself wanted
 So what you want
Others do
And stay as you are
Strong and yourself