Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Starter: Alice Langton Fisher character

A good wine glass in hand hearing music behind a fire on a couch among books and notebook under a warm blanket was a delight.

That was one of these unproductive evenings where rest was essential. She needed that stay in UK to be like a break in her crazy life. A good rest in your real home kind of feeling made her comfortable. Her US life wasn't her liking from time to time. Her roots stayed Uknians and will always be. 

US life was more of a youth's adventure that made her grow into the woman she is today. It ain't regrets but assumed choices. It opened her some opportunities that she never expected as a young woman in her 20.

Living in US is more related to her to hard work and daily life than pleasures leasures and spare time for her. 

Among the books around her, where the whole work of a certain Lord Byron, some chosen pieces of Keats or Percy Shelley.
Her Notebooks are more like sketchbooks where a few words are written but are vividly depicted in white and black drawings.

Time to breath and take care of herself in her Villa where all started where life was holding by a thread at times where all her 20's were made where she chose to be a detective rather than a legal doctor.

All that sumerized in this house this old temple of life experiences. It could have been a place of representation of parties of social moves but it is reserved for her American life. L. A. is the best place to do that. UK is the place of the innermost secrets of the family and old memories.

In one word her two sides reunited as one. 

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