Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A kind of unusual girl?

If I am unsual
Just tell me 
Why please I feel me so? >.<

Since a few month i've got a professor at university which make me feel unsual. Properly unsual...she let me doubt about me...eachtime I make a stepforward...she stop me by behavior and probably without taking care of. I cannot say how...I just ask myself...

Somehow, I don't want to stay in such behavior...I try to let this huge gap beeing till ...I can find a solution. But I feel that really sucks...I hate when I can't share something or when people don't say something. I can't hide myself anymore even I am trying to finish my education. I am someone who give more than I receive. Maybe I give my feelings at the same time...I have no idea what the people think... what people receive from me? I just guess...? But I never had answers....

I just wanna say don't see just my behavior because I am a good actress and in reality I am différent as can be in course and at university...and I know that people just see...the first impression and not the rest. (Also professors do!) 

That is why I feel unsual ...properly unsual as they don't know....? I am just angry about that fact because I don't need to hide my real face. I know that my real face is powerful more powerful that what see my professors. 

Should I do as..........I am unsual or should I let shine what I am really indeed?

1 comment:


The more control we have over ourselves and our lives, the happier and freer we will feel. We sometimes get angry with other people. This probably happens because they have not met our expectations or we were trying to control them and they have not let us. Sometimes, the simple expectation that a person should behave as we want them to is in itself an attempt to control them. When we try to control another person, which is impossible, we are bound to fail, feel frustrated and stressed.

We are capable of having power over ourselves; we can be more responsible for our thoughts and feelings. We have the capacity to choose how we respond to different situations and people that we come across in our lives. If we do not exercise much control over our thoughts and emotions, we easily fall into the tendency of seeing ourselves as victimized, and we blame others, making them responsible in our own minds for how we feel. When we do this, we are forgetting that we create our own thoughts. When this happens, we are handing over the control of our thoughts to those who influence, criticize, attack or slander us. If we want to recover the control over our life, we must learn to control our thoughts and feelings and not blame anyone else for them. The more self-control we have over ourselves, the less will we want to control others and our capacity to influence other people positively will be greater. —Brahma Kumaris*

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